Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday paid tribute to Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan on his 117th birth anniversary and termed him a source of inspiration for all Indians. “My heartfelt tribute to the son of soil, Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Nayaran on his birth anniversary. He contributed enormously in the Independence struggle and also played a key role in protecting the democracy in the post-Independence period. His sacrifice and commitment will always be a source of inspiration for us. he Lok Nayak was one of the prominent faces of the Quit India Movement and he is remembered for leading the mid-1970s opposition against Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, for whose overthrow he had called for a “total revolution”. The Janata Party was voted into power and became the first non-Congress party to form a government at the Centre under his guidance. He was posthumously awarded India’s highest civilian award the Bharat Ratna in 1999. The Prime Minister also remembered Nanaji Deshmukh on his birth anniversary and recalled his work in the field of education, health, and rural self-reliance. “Salutations to the great social worker who did great service to the nation Nanaji Deshmukh. He dedicated his life to the betterment of villages and farmers. His contribution to the nation-building exercise will be always a source of inspiration for the countrymen,” Modi’s second tweet read.