The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday questioned the president of Karnataka State Apex Co-operative Bank in connection with a probe into the money laundering case filed against Congress leader D K Shivakumar. The investigating agency had summoned K N Rajanna to probe his role in sanctioning loan to a sugar firm owned by a close associate of Shivakumar. Shivakumar was arrested on September 3 and will be in the judicial custody in Tihar jail till October 15. A money laundering case was registered against Shivakumar by the ED in September last year, based on a complaint filed by the Income Tax department, alleging tax evasion, hawala transactions running into crores. In the last hearing, the court had allowed ED to interrogate Shivakumar on October 4 and 5 inside jail. Earlier, his brother and Congress lawmaker DK Suresh was also summoned by the ED in connection with the probe.