Over 2 lakh pilgrims visited the cave shrine of Mata Vaishnodevi here in the first five days of Navratras to pay obeisance, officials said on Thursday. The cave shrine witnesses a footfall of over 42,000 pilgrims daily since the beginning of Navratras from September 29, they said. “Yatra has crossed the record two lakh mark today. A total of over 2.10 lakh pilgrims have paid obeisance in the first five days of Navratras”, CEO of Shri Mata Vaishnodevi Shrine Board (SMVDSB) Simrandeep Singh told PTI. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday described the launch of the Delhi-Katra Vande Bharat Express as a “Navratri gift” for devotees of Vaishno Devi. Union Home Minister Amit Shah flagged off the train from the New Delhi Railway Station and said it was a “big gift” for Jammu and Kashmir’s development.