Senior Congress leaders Ahmed Patel and Anand Sharma on Thursday met party leader from Karnataka D K Shivakumar who is currently in the judicial custody in a money laundering case filed by the Enforcement Directorate. The two leaders were accompanied to the Tihar Jail, where Shivakumar is lodged, by the party’s state unit member D K Suresh. ”We inquired about his welfare, we strongly feel that what is being done to him is unfair. There is issue of his personal liberty, his health & fundamental rights. We hope the Court does justice,” Anand Sharma, Congress leader said after meeting DK Shivakumar in Tihar Jail. A special court on Wednesday dismissed the bail application of Shivakumar. The ED had in September last year registered the money laundering case against Shivakumar and a few others. The case was based on a charge sheet filed by the Income Tax (I-T) Department on charges of alleged tax evasion and unaccounted transactions worth Crores.