ICAI Protest: CA aspirants stage protest outside ICAI headquarters


Several Chartered Accountant aspirants and the candidates who had appeared for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India exams protested against the ICAI, alleging errors in the evaluation of papers. Right after the protest was staged outside the ICAI’s headquarters, #dearICAIpleasechange began trending on Twitter. The protest was staged against the alleged discrepancies and errors in the evaluation of the papers. On September 21, the ICAI published an announcement on its website that read, “It has been brought to our notice that certain adverse reports relating to the system of evaluation of answer books of CA exams are doing the rounds in social media. In this connection, following reforms which have been put in place recently are brought to the attention of the stakeholders in respect of the ICAI examination system.” The reforms include Digital evaluation, Central evaluation, Machine based evaluation, Stepwise marking and Mandatory online test for empanellment of examiners. Till 2018, there was a clause in the CA Act which did not allow a student to show his/her certified copy to anyone, which was revoked last year after protests.


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