Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray on Monday expressed confidence in the central government that it will take steps to construct the Ram temple at Ayodhya soon. “The way government is working, our hopes have increased as to the construction of the Ram temple at Ayodhya. Now, there is no point in waiting anymore,” Thackeray said. “We have instructed the Shiv Sena cadre to be prepared to lay the foundation stone for the Ram temple at Ayodhya. This is an issue which has been existent since our founder Balasaheb Thackeray’s days,” he added. Thackeray was speaking at a programme held in the city for the inauguration of a new fleet of BEST buses. “We have been hearing that the issue is in the final stages. I would urge the government to take a bold step to lay out a path for the construction of Ram temple, just like the way the government acted in the abrogation of Article 370 recently,” he said. Thackeray brushed aside questions on seat-sharing between Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Shiv Sena in the upcoming Maharashtra Assembly elections. He said the seat-sharing will be done amicably.