Greetings from his family, friends and colleagues made him feel “74 years young”, Congress leader P Chidambaram, in Tihar Jail on charges of corruption in the INX Media case, said through his family on his birthday on Monday. He thanked everybody and said his spirits had lifted higher. “I have asked my family to tweet on my behalf the following: “My family have brought me greetings from friends, party colleagues and well-wishers. I am reminded that I am 74 years old. Indeed I am, but at heart I feel 74 years young. Thank you all, my spirits have been lifted higher, Chidambaram is in judicial custody in connection with alleged corruption in clearances given to INX Media when he was finance minister. His party colleague Jairam Ramesh said Chidambaram is going through an “agnipariksha” and will come out of it vindicated. “Today PC turns 74. It is an agnipariksha he is going through but he will come out of it vindicated. I have worked very closely with him since 1986 and it has been a great privilege and education doing so. My thoughts are with him.