Sabha warns nationwide agitation for restoration of Guru Ravi Dass temple land


Branches of All J&K Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Jammu have threatened nationwide agitation if the land of Guru Ravi Dass temple at Tuglakabad in Delhi is not restored for construction of the temple, which was demolished by the Delhi Development Authority. Addressing a press conference in Jammu, M L Banalia, General Secretary All J&K Guru Ravi Dass Sabha, warned the Government of India that if 96 innocent persons, who were arrested after protests against demolition of the temple, are not released immediately, strong protests will be organsied across the country at village level besides a call for Bharat Bandh. Appealing the SC/ST/OBC minorities to be ready for national level agitation in near future, he said that series of meetings will be conducted to mobiles masses for bigger cause. “As and when signal is received from management of Tuglakabad temple, a call for Jammu Band will be given,” he added. “The demolition of temple on August 10, 2019 has hurt the religious sentiments, of crores of Ravidasia Samaj. The land on which temple was built was presented to Shri Guru Ravi Dass Ji Maharaj by then King Sikander Lodhi about 600 years ago. This historic temple was renovated by the concerned Committee of Shri Guru Ravi Dass Temple Tuglakabad and was inaugurated by Babu Jagjivan Ram, then Cabinet Minister of Govt of India on 1st March 1959. The revenue record of the land is available with Shri Guru Ravi Dass Birthday Celebration Committee,” said Sham Lal Basson – General Secretary Shri Guru Ravi Dass Sabha Bahu Fort, Jammu. Kesar Singh, Retd Additional Director General Postal Services and Convenor Shri Guru Ravi Dass Satsang Society (J&K), said that they are in touch with management committee of Shri Guru Ravi Dass Mandir Tuglakabad and instructions for agitational path will be followed. “We are in close liaison with revered saints who are pursuing the case and other social organizations for further course of action,” he added. Others, who spoke in the press conference, included, C L Banal, IGP (Retd) and Chairman of Shri Guru Ravi Dass S S Trust, Sikanderpur Jammu; Prof G L Thapa, president All J&K SC/ST Retired Forum; T C Bavoria, Er R C Bhasin, Er Natha Ram Angral, Prof Youdhvir Singh, Tara Chand Sambyal, Des Raj Sangral, Puran Chand Atri, Ramesh Chander Sangral and Ashok Thapa.


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