Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports derecognises Paralympic Committee of India


The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports on Tuesday derecognised the Paralympic Committee of India (PCI) for violating the National Sports Development Code of India, 2011. The government has suspended PCI in accordance with provisions under clause I (ix) and (x) of Annexure-III of National Sports Development Code of India 2011. In the letter addressed to J Chandrashekhar, the Secretary-General of Paralympic Committee of India, it has been mentioned that a complaint was received against the PCI from Rao Inderjit Singh regarding his removal from the post of President of PCI. An explanation was sought from the body through the Ministry’s notices dated from July 11, 2019, to August 29. However, the explanation was not found satisfactory and hence the action was been taken. The ministry has cited district’s registrar’s order, saying amendment of byelaws is seen as a violation of the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960 and 1961. PCI had conducted an Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 4 this year in which a resolution was adopted that barred public servants from getting elected to its executive. Then, Rao Inderjit Singh was removed as the President by a majority vote. It was then that the government found PCI failing the good governance practices and also held them accountable for violating the National Sports Code of India and its own constitution in removing the elected President.


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