Criticizing the NDA government at Centre, Congress leader Kapil Sibal on Tuesday listed out various facts and figures to buttress claims of the country’s economy not being in good shape. In his tweet beginning with “Modi 2.0 after 100 days”, the Congress leader said — BSE down 40,000(May 23) to 37,000; FI’s took out $10b in June and July; Rupee slid 69( May) to 72 now; Auto sales down 23.5% , worst in 2 decades; Unemployment 8.2%; RBI’s 1.76cr bailout for GOI; Revenue, GST collections down. Targeting Central government for the state of the economy on Sunday, Kapil Sibal had said, “Everything is abnormal in Kashmir but they say everything is normal. The economy is dwindling; bank’s NPA is growing but they maintain it’s normal.” Centre on its part has maintained that the 100 days of government were defined by change, determination, improvement, and good intention. “Be it the matter of Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh or of the worsening water crisis, 130 crore citizens of India have started looking for new solutions to the problems,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a rally in Haryana’s Rohtak on September 8.