Centre set to develop annual infrastructure pipeline to achieve $5 trillion GD


Ministry of Finance on Saturday said that to achieve the GDP of 5 trillion US dollar economy by 2024-25, India needs to spend about Rs 100 lakh crore over these years on infrastructure and for this, an annual infrastructure pipeline would be developed. In an official statement, the Ministry of Finance said, in pursuance of achieving $5 trillion GDP, an annual infrastructure pipeline would be developed. To achieve this task, a Task Force under the chairmanship of Secretary (DEA) has been constituted by Union Finance Minister to draw up a National Infrastructure Pipeline for each of the years from FY 2019-20 to FY 2024-25. Availability of quality infrastructure is a pre-requisite to achieve broad-based and inclusive growth on a sustainable basis. Investment in infrastructure is also necessary for sustaining the high growth rate of India.


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