Days after meeting Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, AAP’s disgruntled MLA Alka Lamba on Friday said the time has come to resign from the primary membership of the Aam Aadmi Party. Lamba on Tuesday met Gandhi, fuelling speculation of her joining Congress Announcing her decision on Twitter, Lamba spoke about her ‘learning experience’. “The time has come to say ‘Good Bye’ to #AAP and to resign from the primary membership of the party. The past six years’ journey was a great learning for me. Thanks to all.Lambahas been at odds with the Aam Aadmi Party for some time now. After the party’s defeat in Lok Sabha polls, she had sought accountability from its national convener Arvind Kejriwal. She was then removed from the official WhatsApp groupofthe party lawmakers. She had also refused to campaign for the party in the Lok Sabha polls and refrained from participating in Kejriwal’s roadshow after she was asked to walk behind his car during the event. Lambahad first hit a rough patch with the AAP over its decision to pass a resolution to revoke RajivGandhi’s Bharat Ratna.Lambahad raised objections to the party’s resolution. In December 2018, she said in a tweet that AAP had asked her to support the resolution, which she refused.Lambahad added that she was ready to face any punishment for her actions. She started her political career with the Congress, and had served the party in various capacities for around 20 years before joining the AAP.