Heartwarming video of dog digging her puppies out of debris leaves netizens emotional


A heartwarming video of a stray dog digging her puppies out of the debris of a collapsed house has left netizens emotional after it went viral on social media. The clip has been viewed over 16 lakh times and was shared on YouTube by an animal rescue organisation, Animal Aid Unlimited, India after they were alerted about a dog howling in the area. The 4.35-minute video features the stray dog, who is seen whining even as it directs the rescuer to the particular area. Following the dog’s lead, the rescuer removes the stone and rubble from the spot. According to the viral clip, though the rescue team was not sure whether the puppies were alive or not, the determination of the dog kept them going. To speed up the process, the dog joined the rescue and continued to dig till the time the shrill cries of the puppies could be heard. All the puppies were eventually rescued and taken to a safer place. After the video was shared online, it was flooded with people complimenting the rescue team as well as the resilience of the dog. “My heart was breaking when I saw how stressed mamma was and was trying to remove rubble with her mouth! Well done to you for helping save the babies,” read one of the many comments.


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