Mumbai Police on Thursday detained Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) leader Sandeep Deshpande ahead of party chief Raj Thackeray’s questioning by the Enforcement Directorate (ED). Deshpande was detained by the Shivaji Park police to pre-empt any law-and-order problem as the MNS had planned to protest against the ED summons, police sources said. Security has also been beefed up at the ED’s office situated at Ballard Estate ahead of MNS leader’s appearance. Police have installed barricades and is monitoring movements near the probe agency’s office. Thackeray, in a social media post on Wednesday, had expressed willingness to cooperate with the investigating agency and had requested his party workers to maintain peace and harmony. “No harm or damage should come upon any public property and the common man should not suffer in any way”, read a public announcement shared by Thackeray on Twitter. The ED has summoned Thackeray to appear before it at 10 am today for questioning in connection with a case pertaining to alleged irregularities related to Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services (IL & FS) loan to Kohinoor CTNL. Earlier, the party had called for a bandh to protest against ED summon, which was withdrawn after Thackeray appealed his party workers to respect the legal process. The ED is probing the alleged irregularities pertaining to IL & FS Group’s loan and equity investment in Kohinoor CTNL, which is one of the defaulters. Kohinoor CTNL is developing Kohinoor Square tower in Dadar (West) in Mumbai