The Supreme Court on Friday said it will wait for sometime before passing any direction on the plea seeking removal of restrictions on the media in Jammu and Kashmir in the wake of abrogation of Article 370 after the Centre said curbs are being lifted gradually. During the hearing, the Centre told the apex court that the situation is improving in Jammu and Kashmir and the curbs are being lifted gradually. A bench comprising Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi and justices S A Bobde and S A Najeer said, “We would like to give little time. We have read in newspaper today that landline and broadband connections are being restored gradually. Therefore, we will take up the petition with other connected matters. We also got a call today from CJ of J&K HC.” “We will see when the matter can be listed for hearing. We will fix a date on the administrative side,” the bench said. Advocate Vrinda Grover, appearing for Anuradha Bhasin, Executive Editor, Kashmir Times, said there was a need for early restoration of communication mode for journalists to carry out their work.