UNSC to hold ‘closed consultation’ session on Kashmir issue


The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is all set to hold a closed consultation session to discuss the situation in Jammu and Kashmir on Friday morning. The session will start at around 10 am (local time), according to the UN time table. According to Sputnik, the session was requested by China, which is a permanent member state of the UNSC, after India abrogated Article 370.The article gave special status to people of Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi had written a letter to UNSC President Joanna Wronecka, urging the council to urgently convene a session on India’s decision to reorganise Jammu and Kashmir and revoking of Article 370. China had requested a closed meeting on Jammu and Kashmir, citing the letter sent by Qureshi. Ever since India announced its decision to do away with Article 370, Islamabad has escalated its virulent rhetorics against New Delhi and tried to involve the international community in the matter. Pakistan has alleged that India’s decision of revoking the provisions under Article 370 will not only threaten regional peace but also world peace. However, India has made it clear that it is an internal matter of the country and does not violate the Line of Control or any border.


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