The Jammu Chamber of Commerce and Industries (JCCI) has welcomed the move of Government of India, revoking Article 370 and 35-A and conveyed gratitude to President of India, Ram Nath Kovind for issuing the notification. Talking to media persons here, JCCI president Rakesh Gupta said that the human rights violation for more than seven decades because of specific state laws came to an end giving a sigh of relief to the masses in the Jammu and Kashmir. He said that JCCI is keeping close watch on the notifications being issued regarding the laws being extended and if the Chamber feels that more needs to be done to curb the menace of corruption, the same shall be taken up with the Governor and the Ministry of Home Affairs next week. He hoped that with the change in the set up in the State, the prosperity will certainly start returning vigorously to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh UTs. Rajesh Gupta, JCCI senior vice president, Rajeev Gupta, junior vice president, Manish Gupta, secretary general, Gaurav Gupta, secretary and Ashu Gupta, treasurer were also present in the conference.