Jammu and Kashmir Police on Saturday said the militant killed in a gunfight with the security forces in south Kashmir’s Shopian district last evening was affiliated with Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM) group. “During the search operation, the hiding militants fired on the search party. The fire was retaliated leading to an encounter. In the initial exchange of fire one army soldier identified as Sepoy Rambir Singh of 34 RR sustained gunshot injuries who was evacuated to hospital for treatment however he succumbed to his injuries,” said the spokesman. In the ensuing encounter, so far body of one militant has been retrieved from the site of the encounter, he said, adding that the slain has been identified as Zeenat ul Islam Naikoo resident of Memandar Shopian. Zeenat, as per the police records, was affiliated with proscribed outfit JeM and was wanted by law for his complicity in series of crimes including attack on security establishments and civilian atrocities, he said. According to the police records, he was part of groups involved in planning & executing series of attacks in the area and many other civilian atrocities.
“Zeenat has a long history of crime records and several crime cases were registered against him including Case FIR No. 195/2018 pertaining to attack on P/S Shopian, Case FIR No. 268/2019 pertaining to the abduction of one civilian namely Shakoor Ahmad, Case FIR No. 281/2019 pertaining to the killing of 04 Policemen in Shopian, Case FIR No. 304/2018 pertaining to arson and burning of Panchayat Ghar at Kanjiullar, Case FIR No. 318/2018 pertaining to the grenade attack on PS Shopian and killing of one policeman, Case FIR No. 343/2018 pertaining to firing on Army Camp at Matribugh, Case FIR No. 344/2018 pertaining to firing on police camp at Gagran, Case FIR No. 352/2018 pertaining to firing on patrol party of security forces at Memandar, Case FIR No. 378/2018 pertaining to attack on PS Shopian, Case FIR No. 11/2019 pertaining to grenade attack and firing on police camp at Gagran and Case FIR No. 45/2019 pertaining to the abduction and killing of one civilian namely Tanveer Ahmad.” The body of the slain militant has been handed over to the family members after completion of medico-legal formalities. “Incriminating material including arms & ammunition was recovered from the site of encounter. Search in the area is still in progress,” he added further.