The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Tripura swept the three-tier Panchayats Polls, the elections for which was held on July 27 last and the results were announced on Thursday. Polls were held in only 15 per cent of the total seats, as 85 per cent of the seats has already been won by the ruling BJP unopposed. Polls were held in 833-gram panchayat seats, 82 panchayat Samiti seats and 79 Zilla Parishad seats. “Out of 833-gram panchayat seats, the BJP won 638, the CPI(M) 22, the Congress 158 and the Indigenous People’s Front of Tripura (IPFT) 6. Nine seats were won by independents,” State Election Commissioner GK Rao said. In panchayat Samiti, the BJP won 74 seats, the Communist Party of India (Marxist) one and the Congress six. In Zilla Parishad, the BJP won 77 seats and the Congress two, Rao said. There are a total of 6,111-gram panchayat seats, 419 panchayat Samiti seats and 116 Zila Parishad seats in Tripura. The SEC official said the BJP has won 5,652 seats of the total 6,646-gram panchayat, panchayat Samiti and Zila Parishad seats unopposed. The state recorded 76.63 per cent turnout during the polling.