Mahendra Singh Dhoni has flown to Jammu & Kashmir to join the Indian Army on Thursday and the first pictures of the former Indian captain boarding the flight are out. Dhoni was seen travelling with a few fellow passengers in a flight and was seen wearing a Navy Blue shirt and cargo pants.Dhoni will commence his patrol duties in Jammu and Kashmir from Thursday onwards and will begin his responsibilities as an honorary lieutenant colonel in the army. Fulfilling his commitments to the army, Dhoni has taken a two-month sabbatical from cricket and will assist the military where he will be a part of the Territorial Army, a force that draws on civilians who can do short stints to help the military. It has been learnt that Dhoni will do a 15-day stint with the Victor Force engaged in counter-insurgency operations in Kashmir. His duties will consist of patrolling, guard and post duty, according to Reuters. The wicketkeeper-batsman has trained as a paratrooper and jumped from an aircraft as well, an army official said, which is part of his training.