Union Minister for I&B and Environment, Climate Change and Forest, Prakash Javadekar said that it is for the first time after 50 years a PM has been elected with complete majority; last time it was former PM Indira Gandhi who won. Union Minister also said that BJP’s vote share has increased. BJP had got 31 per cent vote at all India level last time, however, the vote share has increased by 7 per cent this time. While addressing at BJP membership drive at Tirupati, the Minister also said that in more than 17 States we have got more than 50 per cent vote share. Union Minister for I&B and Environment, Climate Change and Forest, Prakash Javadekar said that people of Andhra Pradesh have rejected Chandrababu Naidu and Telegana has therefore pre-poned their Assembly elections as they knew, in simultaneous elections they would not get clear majority.