The Congress on Wednesday alleged that harassment, rapes and crimes against women have become a “daily affair” under the BJP government in Uttar Pradesh, and asserted that while people suffer the “jungle raj”, the dispensation is unperturbed. Congress’ chief spokesperson Randeep Surjewala also alleged that Dalit and weaker communities are specifically targeted with “law and order going to the pits!”. Surjewala tagged a media report on a Dalit family being run over by a car for opposing a family member’s harassment in Bulandshahr, leaving two women dead and tweeted, “Harassment, rapes and crime against women have become a daily affair in BJP’s Ajay Singh Bisht government.” “People suffer the ‘Jungle Raj’, UP BJP government remains unperturbed!” he added. On Monday, two women in Bulandshahr district were crushed to death under the wheels of a car being allegedly driven by a man who they rebuked for passing lewd comments against a member of their family. Surjewala had on Sunday slammed the Yogi Adityanath government over alleged atrocities against women and girls, alleging that “jungle raj-like eclipse” has been cast over law and order in the state. He had also hit out the UP government over the killing of a Dalit girl in Unnao and alleged that law and order has collapsed in the state. Surjewala’s attack comes days after party general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, citing several reports of killings and rapes in Uttar Pradesh, had said innocents were being subjected to cruelty, but the government was not concerned.