Excise sleuths seize 4625 bottles of Codeine Phospate at Lakhanpur


The Excise Department at Toll Post, Lakhanpur seized 4625 bottles of Codeine Phospate a banned drug which was being smuggled into the State in two trucks bearing Registration No. JK08E-3535 and JK03E-2085. A departmental handout issued here, today said that late last night in an operation by Excise staff at Toll Post Lakhanpur 4625 bottles of Drugs (Codeine Phosphate) in two trucks was seized which was being smuggled in the State. The whole operation was carried out under the supervision of Dy. Excise Commissioner, Toll Post Lakhanpur, Ashish Gupta along with Excise & Taxation Officers, Rohit Sharma, Sandeep Gupta and Sajjad Ahmed Sofi, Inspectors, Dheeraj Kumar, Javed Iqbal, Varun Chandan, Sub-Inspectors, Kanwaljeet Shan, Aaqib Malik, Jugal Kishore, Sahil Choudhary, and Guards Davinder Singh, Sohan Lal, Nihal Singh and Naveen Sharma. Truck No. JK03E-2085 was declared loaded with tiles and empty crates and second truck bearing registration No.JK08E-3535 was declared load with trade goods.


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