Veteran actor Rishi Kapoor, in a latest picture, looks fitter and better. In a photograph posted on social media, he wrote: “Such a joy to meet my old dear friend Amit Khanna. We at the King Cole Bar at St. Regis Hotel New York Dressed in a blue shirt and a coat, Rishi looked dapper and in better health after being in New York for months for medical treatment. In April, his brother Randhir Kapoor had said Rishi will be back home in a few months, amid reports that he was now “cancer free”. The actor has had a huge pillar of support in wife Neetu Singh, and he has been getting a steady stream of his film fraternity friends — Karan Johar, Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Anupam Kher among others — ensuring they meet the couple on a visit to the Big Apple.