Advisors Kumar, Sharma attend attestation-cum-passing out parade at SKPA Udhampur


Advisors to Governor K Vijay Kumar and K K Sharma today attended an attestation-cum-passing out parade of DySPs (Probation) 12th batch, PSI’s/PASI’s of 22nd and BRTC Ladies of 7th batch 2018-19 held at Sher-I-Kashmir Police Academy (SKPA) Udhampur, here. DGP J&K Dilbag Singh, Divisional Commissioner Jammu SanjeevVerma, Director (SKPA) Udhampur M S Salaria, ADGPs, IGPs, DIGs, SSP Udhampur and other distinguished guests and senior officers from Army, CRPF, Air Force, Civil Administration, former legislators besides parents of the trainees were present on the occasion.Earlier, Advisor K Vijay Kumar took the salute at an impressive March past from the passing out trainee officers/ officials and conducted the inspection of the parade followed by the oath ceremony.

Addressing the parade, Advisor Kumar congratulated the trainees on their successful completion of the tough training. In his address, he praised the professionalism of the J&K Police and applauded the efforts put in by Director SKPA and his team of dedicated instructors for molding and shaping the trainees.

Meanwhile, Advisor to Governor K K Sharma also addressed the pass out trainees and said that the Governor’s Administration has taken many welfare initiatives for the police personnel and their families. He complimented the trainees who successfully completed the training and urged them to adopt people friendly attitude while performing their duties.

DGP J&K Dilbag Singh also congratulated the trainees and wished them all the best for their better future in the police force. He impressed upon them to work with honesty and dedication to come up to the expectations of people and the organization. DGP impressed upon the officers and other personnel to be prepared for the future contingencies and put in all resources to create a secure  environment in the state.

Director SKPA in his welcome address gave details of various components of training imparted to the passing out trainee officers and other personnel.

Later, Advisor K Vijay Kumar also presented medals to the trainees who excelled in various training programmes.


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