Raina, Kaul review working of party’s district offices


Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), State Unit led by its president, Ravinder Raina and general secretary (Org.), Ashok Kaul called a meeting of district office secretaries to review the working of various district offices across Jammu region, at Party Headquarter, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu. BJP State vice-president & Councilor, Parmod Kapahi, State office secretary, Tilak Raj Gupta, State library in charge, Kulbhushan Mohtra along with district office secretaries participated in the meeting. Ravinder Raina, while addressing the meeting, said that carrying the theme of “Antodaya” (reaching the last person standing in the last row), BJP under the guidance of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and party national president & Home Minister, Amit Shah, has opened up district offices in various districts serving the important purpose of organization’s decentralization process. He said that these district offices have been established with a specific aim to strengthen the local units so that local BJP leaders can attend to the issues of general masses with more efficacies. He asked BJP district office secretaries to make necessary arrangements to provide immediate relief for public issues. Raina said that BJP is the only party committed to the public and these offices are intended to serve this purpose very well by welcoming everybody regarding their concerns. It is a sincere effort of the party, giving ground level party worker and common masses an opportunity to have direct contact with the party senior leaders, wherein they can discuss and project their issues and demands, he stressed. Ashok Kaul, in his address, discussed the various strategies to improve the office coordination and functioning. He appreciated the effort put in by district teams to manage the affairs of newly established district offices and prompted them to make judicious utilization of the office resources for the growth of organization and extending reach to the masses. He threadbare discussed the ways to smoothly run the office with all the district office secretaries present in the meeting, while prompting them to raise their concerns in the meeting itself. He also instructed them to procure all the things required for the smooth run of day to day office work. Tara Chand, Mohan Lal, Balbir Singh, Kuldeep Singh, Babu Ram, Ramesh Chander, Gurdiyal Khajuria, Makhan Singh and other BJP office secretaries of various districts participated in the meeting.


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