Two persons, who were arrested for shooting videos and taking photographs outside an Army camp in Jammu, were allegedly in direct contact with Hizbul Mujahideen (HM) militants in based in Pakistan as spies, officials said Wednesday. The suspected spies were arrested Tuesday. The suspected spies of Pakistan, who were handed over to the police, are being grilled at a joint interrogation centre to know about the plan of the terrorists. The duo were identified as 38-year-old Mushtaq Ahmed Malik, son of Atta Mohd Malik of Udhyanpur area of Doda district, and 24-year-old Nadeem Akhter, son of Mohd Shafi of Malhar area of Kathua district, they said. They were working for two Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists based in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and were in contact with them, they said. The two Hizbul militants based in PoK were kins of the duo and they had gone to PoK and joined HM several years ago, they said. The duo were given tasks by the Hizbul militants for recce of areas, video footages and pictures of the vital installations, they said. The interrogators are looking into various angels including past terrorist attacks on camps and terror plans in this regard, they said. An army patrol noticed the two moving suspiciously at Parmandal Morh near Ratnuchak Military Station and kept a close watch on them. They were seen taking pictures and video graphing the military station and were immediately taken into custody for questioning, the officials said. They said their mobile phones were scanned during which it came to light that they were in regular contact with some persons in Pakistan and have also shared some videos with them a few hours before their arrest.