Northern Army Commander Lt Gen Ranbir Singh Monday visited forward bases and posts along the LoC in Rajouri and Akhnoor Sectors and stressed on the need for being prepared for effectively meeting emerging security challenges. According to a defence spokesperson, he was accompanied by White Knight Corps Commander Lt Gen Paramjit Singh. During the visit, Lt Gen Ranbir Singh and Lt Gen Paramjit Singh were briefed about the current operational situation, prevailing security scenario and the preparedness of the formations in dealing with the same. The Northern Army commander was also briefed on use of high-end equipment and innovations by the units on ground to monitor intrusions and infiltration bids across the Line of Control, the spokesperson said. He also interacted with the soldiers and called for the need to be prepared for effectively meeting current emerging security challenge, the spokesperson said, adding, he exhorted all ranks on the need to remain vigilant to counter the nefarious designs of the enemy and anti-national elements.