Senior Congress leader Ahmed Patel slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for “abusing” former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, and said Gandhi died due to the “hatred” of BJP-backed VP Singh government in 1991. The statement comes in the backdrop of recent comments made by Prime Minister Narendra Modi against the late prime minister. “Abusing a martyred Prime Minister is the sign of ultimate cowardice. But who is responsible for his assassination? The BJP backed VP Singh government refused to provide him with additional security and left him with one PSO despite credible intelligence inputs and repeated requests,” Patel tweeted. In another tweet, Patel said, “Rajiv ji lost his life due to their hatred and is no longer here amongst us to answer the baseless allegations and abuses which are being unleashed on him.” While addressing an election rally in Uttar Pradesh on May 4, Prime Minister Modi had said Congress chief Rahul Gandhi’s father was termed ‘Mr. Clean’ by his courtiers, but his life ended as ‘Bhrashtachari No 1.” “Your father (Rajiv Gandhi) was termed ‘Mr. Clean’ by his courtiers, but his life ended as ‘Bhrashtachari No 1,” Modi had said. Following the remark, a delegation of senior Congress leaders including Abhishek Manu Singhvi, Rajiv Shukla, and Salman Khurshid met officials of the Election Commission and apprised the poll body of their objection over the Prime Minister’s statement. The electoral body, however, gave a clean chit to Modi. “The speech mentioned in this complaint has been examined with a view to identifying instances of violation of the Model Code of Conduct. Prima facie, we did not figure out any literal violation of MCC as given in the Election Commission of India instructions. The case is, therefore, disposed of,” ECI sources said on May 7.